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The best and most favorite hacking tools - free Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 00.10

Filename The best and most favorite hacking tools - free
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 00.10

the best hacking cracking tools
Nmap creator conducted the survey for 100 best hacking tools against followers of nmap-hackers mailing list. Approximately 3.243 users to vote for their most favorite tools. The list of 100 favorite hacker tools can be found in

From the 100 tools, The following are the 10 most favorite tools that gets the most votes. These tools are a weapon that's considered absolutely necessary in hacking and security activities.
In the package contains the most necessary programs and utilities for the hackers ot crackers,
  1. Cain and Abel [sniffer]
  2. John the Ripper (powerful brootforce)
  3. NetStumbler [allows to define radius of action of network WiFi – in real time for the diagram it is possible to see size of a useful signal]
  4. Nmap[one of the best network scanner[
  5. Putty [a quite good telnet the client]
  6. SuperScan [powerful scanner TCP of ports, pinger and hostname resolver)
  7. Hping (allows to generate special ICMP/UDP/TCP packages and to look through answers ping a host in style of the usual utility ping]
  8. Lcp [audit and restoration of passwords ]
  9. Nikto [perl the scanner broken Web a server, with support SSL]
  10. Kismet [sniffer a wireless network 802.11 and the decoder of packages]

Download top 10 hacking tools
size: 23.66 MB
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great cracking tools must download Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 00.09

Filename great cracking tools must download
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 00.09

File :Advanced Compare 1.2
System :DOS
Description :Complex File Comparison Utility

File :CardPRO 1.0
Download :Link removed - contained Virus - Thanks to for the warning
System :WINXX
Description :Credit Card Number Generator

File :CUP v1.2
System :DOS
Description :Unpacks Dos EXE, COM files packed via PkLite, Diet & LzExe

File :DIS86 2.29
System :DOS
Description :Interactive Disassembler

File :Hacker's View 5.84
System :DOS
Description :Hex-Editor / Hex-Viewer

File :SoftIce v4.05
System :WIN95/98
Description :The BEST Debugger / Memory Editor out there

File :String Search 3.03
System :DOS
Description :Search for a String in any file

File :UNP V4.11
System :DOS
Description :Uncompresses EXE files packed with DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE & PKLITE files

File :W32Dasm 8.9 *Regged*
System :WIN95/98
Description :Excellent Windows Disassembler/Debugger

File :Win-expose-Registry v1.00
System :WIN95/98
Description :Registry Tracer/Debugger/Monitor

File :Masked Password Stealer
System :WIN95/98
Description :Reveal *** type passwords

Hacking Tool Tutorials - Anti-Hacker Toolkit Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 1 23.50

Filename Hacking Tool Tutorials - Anti-Hacker Toolkit
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 23.50

Hacking Tool Tutorials, There is one ebook that should be used as a reference. This ebook titled "Anti-Hacker Toolkit [Third Edition]". In this book are described in detail how to use more than 100 "hacking tools". The explanation is technically quite easy to be understood and followed. Explains how to attack, survival, and detect the attack and overcome them (Attack & Defense).

Anti-Hacker Toolkit provides complete tutorials on the latest and most critical security tools, explains their function, and demonstrates how to configure them to get the best results. Completely revised to include the latest security tools, including wireless tools , New tips on how to configure the recent tools on Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX New case studies in each chapter

hacking tools tutorials ebook complete guide for newbieTable of Contents 

Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Third Edition 

Part I - Multifunctional Tools 
Chapter 1 - Netcat and Cryptcat
Chapter 2 - The X Window System
Chapter 3 - Virtual Machines & Emulators
Part II - Tools for Auditing and Defending the Hosts 
Chapter 4 - Port Scanners
Chapter 5 - Unix Enumeration Tools
Chapter 6 - Windows Enumeration Tools
Chapter 7 - Web Hacking Tools
Chapter 8 - Password Cracking / Brute-Force Tools
Chapter 9 - Host Hardening
Chapter 10 - Backdoors and Remote Access Tools
Chapter 11 - Simple Source Auditing Tools
Chapter 12 - Combination System Auditing Tools
Part III - Tools for Auditing and Defending Your Network 
Chapter 13 - Firewalls
Chapter 14 - Network Reconnaissance Tools
Chapter 15 - Port Redirection
Chapter 16 - Sniffers
Chapter 17 - Wireless Tools
Chapter 18 - War Dialers
Chapter 19 - TCP/IP Stack Tools

Part IV - Tools for Computer Forensics and Incident Response 
Chapter 20 - Creating a Bootable Environment and Live Response Tool Kit
Chapter 21 - Commercial Forensic Image Tool Kits
Chapter 22 - Open-Source Forensic Duplication Tool Kits
Chapter 23 - Tool Kits to Aid in Forensic Analysis
Chapter 24 - Tools to Aid in Internet Activity Reconstruction
Chapter 25 - Generalized Editors and Viewers
Chapter 26 - Reverse Engineering Binaries

Part V - Appendixes 
Appendix A - Useful Charts and Diagrams
Appendix B - Command-line Reference
How to Use the CD
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Sidebars

Download Hacking Tools - Tutorials

Download Free WebProxy Trojen Creator V.1.2 Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 23.47

Filename Download Free WebProxy Trojen Creator V.1.2
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 23.47

W3bPr0xy Tr0j4n Creator V.1.2 By fLaSh

This tool create a fully proxy trojan to use as private proxy..
The trojan has just only about 47kb (no icon)!
Coded by me with VB.NET and C# (.net framework v.2)

-Fully proxy server trojan with Hijacking EXE with embebbed the trojan;
-Supports multi-listening ports;
-Supports multi-connections from various clients (multi-thread system);
-Supports cookies;
-Supports SSL;
-Report IP/Ports to mail of the trojan owner.
-Assembly Manipulation(version info, change icon, etc..);
-Trojan compressed binary (anti-embebbed detection AV);

Screen Shots:

Download Link:

Video torturial:

Download Free Avhackers Phisher maker 3.1.0 With Video tutorial Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 23.42

Filename Download Free Avhackers Phisher maker 3.1.0 With Video tutorial
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 23.42

1. Fastest phisher maker tool ever
2. Makes phisher for almost any site
3. Only 3 steps to make phisher [1,2,3 and go]
4. Useful for users who dont knows HTML, PHP coding
5. No manual work except entering URL of website, for which u want to make phisher
6. Fully automated tool
7. Small in size.
8. Progress bar is provided.
9. Instant access to phishers you created.
.NET framework 2.0 is required.

Download link: [1.56 MB]
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Video tutorial for Phisher Maker 3.1.0 [9.88 MB]
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Mega Hackerz Pack Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 23.20

Filename Mega Hackerz Pack
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 23.20

Well it consists of Cryptographers, Binders, IRC Bots, RATs, Key-loggers, Exe Tools (for reverse engineering), Network Tools, Wireless Tools, and More. The difference with this pack is I haven't listed 20 programs under each section. I have picked out the best programs (in my own opinion; you also have you're own opinion) so people new to hacking won't have to pick and choose which is good and which is not. These are all very excellent programs. 

Some FUD, ALL Clean, Some FP's.

NONE of these are infected, there are things called FP's (False Positives)


Fly Crypter 2.2 + USG 0.6
Fly Crypter 2.3 + USG 0.7


bl0b binder + usg 0.3
p4r4d0x Binder


Ardamax Keylogger 3.0 + Serial
Albertino Simple Keylogger

PW Stealers

Unlimited PW Stealer v0.4
Stupid Stealer v6

IRC Bots

IMBotMod V4.1
NzM 3.0
NESBot v5 Stripped
uNK Stripped

Remote Administration Tools

Poison Ivy 3.2
Spy-Net v2.6

Wireless Tools

Cain & Abel

Network Tools

Blues Port Scanner
NetTools v5
Nmap 5.21 - Windows verion
Snort - Windows verion

Web Hacking Tools

Admin Finder
XSS Scanner
MoHackz SQL Exploiter

Exe Tools

{smart assembly} Enterprise 4.1
Resource Hacker


Mess Mania v5.0
Metasploit 3.3.3
Visual Basic 6 Portable
Xash Undetector

75 Fake Programs

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Key Gen
Akvis Key Generator
AutoDesk 3ds Max KeyGen
Avast Key Generator
Avatar The Game Key Gen
AVG Internet Security 9.0 KeyGen
Avira Premium KeyGen
Batman Arkham Asylum Key Gen
BitDefender 2010 KeyGen
Camfrog Valid KeyGen
Call Of Duty: Moder Warfare 2 Multi Keygen
Convert X to DVD
DDoSeR 3.6
Dreamweaver CS4 Key Gen
Emblem FUD Crypter
Fake Steam Keygen
FarCry2 Multi-Keygen
FIFA 2010 Key Generator
Ghost Recon Multi-Keygen
Half-Life 2 Key Generator
Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 Key Gen
Kaspersky Key Generator 2010
Key Generator Harry potter
Lord Of Rings: The Return Of King Multi-Keygen
MSDN Admin Generator
MSN SpyBox Key Generator
Modern Warefare 2 Online Patch
Nero 8 Ultra Edition KeyGen
Nero Keygen
Netflix Activator
Ninja Blade KeyGen
Norton 2010 Key Gen
Office Key Gen
Paltalk Hack Cam Mode
Panda Security 2010 Key Generator
Paypal Money Hack
Paypal Account Verifier
Perfect Hacker Orkut Version 1.0
Perfect MSN Hacker v 2.1
Plutoniums Fake Program
Poker hack
Pro Show Gold Key Generator
Robert Pettinson Themes Generator
Rogue Warrior Key Generator
Runscape Key Gen
Ruscape Trainer Hack God Mode
Sony Vegas 9.0 Pro KeyGen
Sound Forge 9 Keys
Sound Forge 10 Key Generator
Street Fighter IV KeyGen
SuperLite Anti-virus Fixed
TeamPROXi - Website Crasher
Teamviewer Patch
The Sims 3 Key Generator
TV Movie 5.0 Online
Vengeance Keylogger 1.0
VIP Adder
Virtual DJ All Versions Keygen
Windows 7 Keygen
Windows 7 Serial Generator
Windows XP Key Generator
Windows Activator
World of Warcraft Account Hacker
Xbox Live Account Hacker
Youtube Hack Tool

Sry guys this was a big pack & i couldn't to separate for the klg,stealers,..etc to the specific sections..hope you will understand

Download link:

Cracking tutorials for hackers Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 23.17

Filename Cracking tutorials for hackers
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 23.17

Great collection of tutorials only for u 

I know many of you know about ARTeam, one of the best people on net who are experts in software cracking, reverse engineering. Many of you want to learn the same. Of course you can. What you need is some tools and some guidelines and common sense [which i think yuo all have as you are here].
So not wasting the time, here we go:

Cracking tutorials

part 1:

1,002,824 Ring0_Crackme_by_deroko.rar
163,300 Ripping_VB_Code_by_Deroko.rar
880,142 Roya-V251_tutorial_by_ThunderPwr_Zest.rar
469,985 Serial_Fishing_and_Oraculum_for_Weblink_by_Gabri3l_and_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
06/20/2005  11:04 PM             5,701 Serial_Fishing_Winzip 9.0.txt
02/06/2007  06:54 PM             5,591 Serial_Fishing_Winzip_90.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:22 PM           593,125 Solving_problem_Eudora_ems_mails_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  05:24 PM         1,729,698 Spyware_Doctor_3.2.1_Build._359_MUP_and_cracking_tutorial_by_ThunderPwr_and_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:25 PM         1,233,727 Spyware_Doctor_3.2.1_Build_359-In-line_patching_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  05:26 PM           208,660 Step-by-Step_UnUPXing_tut_By_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  05:27 PM         1,253,880 Swat_It_Pro_v21_ASPack_in_line_patching_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  05:36 PM         7,993,689 Synopsis_on_Asprotect_SKE_Patching_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:37 PM           498,950 TheMida_defeating_ring0_by_deroko.rar
02/06/2007  05:38 PM           781,883 Ulead_DVD_MovieFactory_V4_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  05:38 PM           502,863 Universal_CAD_Converter_V30_Crack_tutorial_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  05:40 PM         1,733,606 Unpacking_ActiveMark_v5.x_Advanced_Part2_by_Condzero.rar
02/06/2007  05:44 PM           991,208 Unpacking_ActiveMark_v5.x_Basic_Part1_by_Condzero.rar
02/06/2007  05:45 PM           399,289 Unpacking_And_Cracking_Armadillo_v4.x_DLL_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:46 PM           717,443 Unpacking_And_Cracking_MoreMotion_Advanced_Suite_v3.2_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  06:22 PM           524,880 Unpacking_and_Cracking_Protection_Plus_v4.x_DLL_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  06:23 PM           872,428 Unpacking_And_Cracking_TMPGEnc_DVD_Author_v1.6.34.89_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  06:24 PM         1,317,203 Unpacking_And_Dumping_ExeCryptor_and_Coding_Loader_by_deroko.rar
02/06/2007  05:18 PM         1,069,156 Unpacking_Armadilloed_Dll_by_Deroko.rar
02/06/2007  05:22 PM           463,097 Unpacking_Armadillo_v3.x_With_ANTI-DUMP_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:21 PM           680,922 Unpacking_Armadillo_v4.x_With_ANTI-BP_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:20 PM           531,421 Unpacking_Armadillo_v4.x_With_Code_Splicing_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:19 PM           380,564 Unpacking_Armadillo_v4.x_With_PE_Header_Trick.rar_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:17 PM           601,093 Unpacking_ASProtect_1.21-1.23_PDF_To_Html_By_Ferrari.rar
02/06/2007  05:13 PM           557,652 Unpacking_ASProtect_1.23-
02/06/2007  05:12 PM           172,067 Unpacking_ASProtect_1.23_RC4_by_Radier.rar
02/06/2007  05:13 PM           158,850 Unpacking_ASProtect_12c_Removing_Time_Limit_Protection_MySQL_Manager_by_Ferrari_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  05:12 PM         1,058,509 Unpacking_ASProtect_v1.23_RC4_Blaze_DVD_Pro_v3.0_By_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  04:58 PM         1,027,697 Unpacking_ASProtect_v1.31_unpackme_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  04:59 PM           531,988 Unpacking_EXESHiELD_v3.x_NON-SILENT_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:00 PM           600,109 Unpacking_EXESHiELD_v3.x_SILENT_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:00 PM           207,323 Unpacking_ICopyDVDs2_Part_1_By_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:00 PM           184,888 Unpacking_ICopyDVDs2_Part_2_By_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
06/20/2005  11:03 PM             5,039 Unpacking_Inline_Patching_UPX_Packed_Windows_Washer_v5.0_By_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:55 PM             4,968 Unpacking_Inline_Patching_UPX_Packed_Windows_Washer_v5.0_By_Nilrem.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:01 PM           318,242 Unpacking_MoleBox_Pro_v2.5_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:03 PM           298,829 Unpacking_Neolite_v1.0-v1.01_By_Nilrem.rar
02/06/2007  05:03 PM           183,360 Unpacking_Neolite_v2.0_By_Nilrem.rar
02/06/2007  05:03 PM         1,361,315 Unpacking_nTitles_Verify_Protected_Programs_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
06/20/2005  11:03 PM            25,931 Unpacking_n_Cracking_Petite_1.2_Packed_Apis32_v2.5_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:56 PM            25,510 Unpacking_n_Cracking_Petite_1.2_Packed_Apis32_v2.5_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:03 PM             5,797 Unpacking_n_Cracking_Pop_Up_Washer_v2.2.0_build_1_By_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:57 PM             5,731 Unpacking_n_Cracking_Pop_Up_Washer_v2.2.0_build_1_By_Nilrem.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:02 PM           412,688 Unpacking_n_Inline_Patching_ASPack_2.11_System_Mechanic_By_Ferrari.rar
02/06/2007  05:04 PM           177,422 Unpacking_PECompact_1.68-1.84_OCX_Control_By_Ferrari.rar
02/06/2007  05:05 PM         1,265,703 Unpacking_PECompact_v2.79_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  05:05 PM           651,624 Unpacking_Protection_Plus_v4.x_Anti-Dump_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
02/06/2007  05:05 PM           232,590 Unpacking_Safecast_by_anonymous.rar
02/06/2007  05:05 PM           394,358 Unpacking_Thinstall_by_MaDMAn_H3rCul3s.rar
06/20/2005  11:03 PM             5,354 Unpacking_Upx_Protected_Windows_Washer_v5.00_By_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:58 PM             5,250 Unpacking_Upx_Protected_Windows_Washer_v5.00_By_Nilrem.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:06 PM           483,575 Unpacking_VBOX_Derive6_By_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  04:42 PM         1,741,442 Unpacking_With_Tracers_II_by_NCR.rar
02/06/2007  05:07 PM         1,209,411 Unpacking_With_Tracers_I_by_NCR.rar
02/06/2007  04:42 PM           334,319 Unpacking_Yodas_cryptor_1_x_Modified_By_Teerayoot.rar
02/06/2007  04:43 PM           398,958 Using_Memory_Breakpoints_by_Shub-Nigurrath_v10.rar
02/06/2007  04:43 PM           857,781 Visual_Protect_License_Generation_by_Anorganix.rar
02/06/2007  04:43 PM           813,510 Weakness_of_the_Windows_API_Part1_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  04:48 PM        11,856,916 Win32_Assembler_Coding_for_Crackers_by_Goppit_v11.rar
02/06/2007  04:48 PM           564,983 WinCE_Beginner_Tutorial_1_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  04:48 PM           102,833 Writing_a_Loader_4_Softwrap_6.1.1_by_Gabri3l_v10.rar
02/06/2007  04:48 PM            53,678 Writing_Generic_Patchers_Using_Dynamic_Code_Cave_Injection_by_Potassium.rar
02/06/2007  04:50 PM         1,147,852 Writing_Loaders_for_Dll_theory_and_techniques_v10_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  04:50 PM           256,955 Writing_loaders_for_unknown_packers_by_Shub-Nigurrath_v10.rar
02/06/2007  04:49 PM           710,673 Writing_Loader_2_patch_apps_protected_with_AsProtect_1.2x_and_earlier_v10_by_Shub-Nigurrath_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  04:49 PM         1,169,235 Writing_Loader_2_patch_apps_protected_with_AsProtect_2.0__v10_by_Shub-Nigurrath_ThunderPwr.rar

part 2 :
02/06/2007  03:50 PM           697,089 010_Editor_V2.0_Registration_Cracking_Tutorial_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  03:50 PM           841,075 1Click_DVD_to_Divx_Avi-V121_by_ThunderPwr.rar
11/08/2005  10:07 PM           372,020 Absolute_Uninstaller_v1%2e3_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:50 PM           372,018 Absolute_Uninstaller_v1.3_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:51 PM           528,888 ACProtect_Debug_Register_Protection_by_LunarDust.rar
02/06/2007  03:51 PM           240,176 AcProtect_NagRemover_Tutorial_By_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  03:51 PM           188,872 ActiveMark_Overlay_Tutorial_by_Lunar_Dust.rar
02/06/2007  03:51 PM           841,720 ActiveMark_v5.42.1218_F.E.A.R._LOADER_by_CondZero.rar
02/06/2007  03:52 PM           172,187 ActiveMARK_v5.x_Process_Dumper_by_CondZero.rar
02/06/2007  03:52 PM           272,715 All_Sound_Recorder_XP_Ver210_Crack_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  03:52 PM         1,619,431 Anti-Anti_Dump_and_Nonintrusive_Tracers_by_deroko.rar
02/06/2007  03:53 PM           935,193 Armadillo_Antidumps_By_Eggi.rar
11/11/2006  02:33 PM         3,129,556 ARTeam.eZine.Number1.rar
11/11/2006  02:34 PM         2,774,946 ARTeam.eZine.Number2.rar
02/06/2007  03:55 PM         4,080,889 ASProtect_2.3_SKE_inline_patching_tutorial_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  03:55 PM           300,763 ASProtect_2.x_SKE_inline_patching_and_defeating_memory_CRC_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  03:55 PM           810,984 ASProtect_2.x_SKE_inline_patching_tutorial_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  03:56 PM           230,230 ASProtect_analysis_of_Hardware_Breakpoint_clearing_feature_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  03:57 PM         1,772,098 ASProtect_SKE_Unpacking_Approach_by_deroko.rar
02/06/2007  03:57 PM           491,771 Asprotect_v2.xx_Reload_by_CondZero.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM           391,163 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part10_by_Shub_Nigurrath_v10.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM           156,147 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part1_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM           270,412 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part2_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM           213,330 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part3_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM           470,968 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part4_by_Shub-Nigurrath_v11.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM           211,437 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part5_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:58 PM            44,448 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part6_by_Shub-Nigurrath_v11.rar
02/06/2007  03:59 PM           301,650 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part7_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
06/20/2005  10:00 PM           127,409 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part8_by_Shub_Nigurrath_v13.rar
02/06/2007  03:59 PM           128,476 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part8_by_Shub_Nigurrath_v141.rar
02/06/2007  03:59 PM           264,065 Beginner_Olly_Tutorial_Part9_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  03:59 PM           576,807 BlitzCalc_1x_Oraculum_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  03:59 PM            97,299 Bypass_Activemark_Trymedia_v5_Debug_Check_by_cl0ud.rar
06/20/2005  11:07 PM             9,022 Cracking_Acecapture_v1.8.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:24 PM             8,908 Cracking_Acecapture_v1.8.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:07 PM             4,450 Cracking_AceFTP_Pro_v3.5.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:25 PM             4,381 Cracking_AceFTP_Pro_v3.5.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:07 PM             5,023 Cracking_Acoustica_MixCraft_By_Kruger.txt
02/06/2007  06:26 PM             4,910 Cracking_Acoustica_MixCraft_By_Kruger.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:07 PM             6,313 Cracking_Acoustica_mp3towav_2.341_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:27 PM             6,239 Cracking_Acoustica_mp3towav_2.341_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:07 PM             5,208 Cracking_Actual_Drawing_v5.5.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:28 PM             5,136 Cracking_Actual_Drawing_v5.5.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             8,410 Cracking_All_Video_Sound_Extractor_v1.0.4_By_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:28 PM             8,309 Cracking_All_Video_Sound_Extractor_v1.0.4_By_Nilrem.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             5,764 Cracking_Animagic_Gif_Animator_v1.20_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:29 PM             5,689 Cracking_Animagic_Gif_Animator_v1.20_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             8,474 Cracking_Animated_Screen_v6.0.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:30 PM             8,331 Cracking_Animated_Screen_v6.0.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM            33,864 Cracking_Broadcaster_By_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:31 PM            33,175 Cracking_Broadcaster_By_Nilrem.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:53 PM           469,048 Cracking_CAM350R80V85_By_ThunderPwr.rar
06/20/2005  11:06 PM            12,140 Cracking_CaptureEze_Pro_v8.0.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:31 PM            11,987 Cracking_CaptureEze_Pro_v8.0.0.0_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:53 PM           218,956 Cracking_CaptureNPrint_6.6.6.17_By_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             6,424 Cracking_CD_Catalogue_Expert_v8.00_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:32 PM             6,307 Cracking_CD_Catalogue_Expert_v8.00_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             8,582 Cracking_Computer_Watermark_1.0_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:33 PM             8,457 Cracking_Computer_Watermark_1.0_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             6,142 Cracking_Curse_Of_Monkey_Island_v1_By_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:34 PM             6,068 Cracking_Curse_Of_Monkey_Island_v1_By_Nilrem.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM            30,766 Cracking_CuteFTP_Pro_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:34 PM            30,247 Cracking_CuteFTP_Pro_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:55 PM           416,666 Cracking_DVDFab_v1.51_By_Madman_Hercules.rar
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             5,668 Cracking_Electric_Art_Screen_Saver_v1.03_by_Nilrem.txt
02/06/2007  06:36 PM             5,584 Cracking_Electric_Art_Screen_Saver_v1.03_by_Nilrem.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM            18,127 Cracking_Email_Effects_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:37 PM            17,872 Cracking_Email_Effects_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:56 PM             2,967 Cracking_Family_KeyLogger_2.80_By_Enforcer.rar
02/06/2007  05:57 PM           226,745 Cracking_FileSecurer_v3.54_By_Madman_Hercules.rar
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             7,584 Cracking_FolderMatch_3.40_By_Kruger.txt
02/06/2007  06:37 PM             7,412 Cracking_FolderMatch_3.40_By_Kruger.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:57 PM             2,186 Cracking_HexDecOctBin_Converter_v1.00_By_Nilrem.rar
02/06/2007  05:58 PM             7,726 Cracking_Hide_Files_Folders_1.89_By_Ferrari.rar
02/06/2007  05:58 PM             5,477 Cracking_Icontoy_v3.1_By_Nilrem.rar
02/06/2007  05:58 PM         1,199,402 Cracking_KEY-LOK_USB_Dongle_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             9,095 Cracking_keyloggerkiller_1.5_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:38 PM             8,986 Cracking_keyloggerkiller_1.5_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:06 PM             9,047 Cracking_MHT_Quick_Saver_v2.3_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:39 PM             8,915 Cracking_MHT_Quick_Saver_v2.3_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:59 PM           294,421 Cracking_mIRC_v616_By_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  05:59 PM           362,468 Cracking_Mpeagable_By_Nilrem_Ej12n.rar
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             6,161 Cracking_Noadware_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:39 PM             6,061 Cracking_Noadware_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
02/06/2007  05:59 PM           178,376 Cracking_n_Inline_Patching_UPX_Packed_Alcohol_120_By_Ferrari.rar
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             7,670 Cracking_PasswordShieldPro_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:40 PM             7,578 Cracking_PasswordShieldPro_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            11,240 Cracking_PDF_2_Html_v1.6_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:41 PM            11,068 Cracking_PDF_2_Html_v1.6_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             8,976 Cracking_PDF_2_Text_v2.9_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:42 PM             8,830 Cracking_PDF_2_Text_v2.9_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             9,415 Cracking_PDF_2_Tiff_v1.3_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:43 PM             9,267 Cracking_PDF_2_Tiff_v1.3_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            12,422 Cracking_PDF_2_Word_v3.1_By_Pompeyfan.txt
02/06/2007  06:43 PM            12,235 Cracking_PDF_2_Word_v3.1_By_Pompeyfan.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            19,629 Cracking_Perfect_Keylogger_1.5_By_Ferrari.txt
02/06/2007  06:44 PM            19,333 Cracking_Perfect_Keylogger_1.5_By_Ferrari.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            10,718 Cracking_Pinnacle_TRex_v1.70.txt
02/06/2007  06:45 PM            10,491 Cracking_Pinnacle_TRex_v1.70.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             4,775 Cracking_Platypus_Web_Builder_v1.6.txt
02/06/2007  06:46 PM             4,694 Cracking_Platypus_Web_Builder_v1.6.txt.txt
02/06/2007  06:03 PM           383,821 Cracking_Purge_IE_Pro.rar
02/06/2007  06:03 PM             2,399 Cracking_RegView_2.21a.rar
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            21,462 Cracking_SuperCleaner_v2.67.0.0.txt
02/06/2007  06:47 PM            21,139 Cracking_SuperCleaner_v2.67.0.0.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             8,030 Cracking_Ultimate_Job_Spider_v6.0.0.314.txt
02/06/2007  06:47 PM             7,872 Cracking_Ultimate_Job_Spider_v6.0.0.314.txt.txt
02/06/2007  06:06 PM         3,440,973 Cracking_Using_Partial_Dumps_v11_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             5,124 Cracking_Video_Poker_Buddy_v3.txt
02/06/2007  06:48 PM             5,050 Cracking_Video_Poker_Buddy_v3.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            16,666 Cracking_Watchdog.txt
02/06/2007  06:49 PM            16,399 Cracking_Watchdog.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             5,323 Cracking_Webkit_v1.0.txt
02/06/2007  06:49 PM             5,233 Cracking_Webkit_v1.0.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM            14,283 Cracking_Webwhacker_v5.txt
02/06/2007  06:50 PM            14,049 Cracking_Webwhacker_v5.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:05 PM             7,093 Cracking_Windows_Washer_v5.0.txt
02/06/2007  06:51 PM             7,020 Cracking_Windows_Washer_v5.0.txt.txt
02/06/2007  06:07 PM           139,440 Cracking_WinLyrics_v2.43.rar
06/20/2005  12:12 PM           967,005 Cracking_with_Loaders_Theory_General_Approach_and_a_Framework_v11_by_Shub-Nigurrath_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  06:07 PM           968,909 Cracking_with_Loaders_Theory_General_Approach_and_a_Framework_v12_by_Shub-Nigurrath_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  06:08 PM           621,713 Creating_the_Invisible_Oraculum_by_Gabri3l.rar
06/20/2005  11:05 PM           908,998 DVD-Cloner v2.x_Tutorial_(Tut_v3)_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  06:08 PM           908,996 DVDCloner_v2x_Online_Check_by_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  06:08 PM           521,239 DVDLab_Pro_V153_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  06:08 PM            78,492 eSellerate_License_Generation_by_anorganix.rar
02/06/2007  06:09 PM             3,313 Finding_a_hardcoded_serial_and_patching_the_program_to_accept_any_serial.rar
02/06/2007  06:09 PM           285,137 Fishing_Primer_with_SmartCheck_2_by_Palaryel.rar
02/06/2007  06:09 PM           826,568 Fishing_Primer_with_SmartCheck_by_Palaryel.rar
02/06/2007  06:09 PM           983,167 FlashFXP_Ver3.0-3.0.2-Build_1015-1045_Patch_tutorial_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  06:10 PM           255,166 Funny_Int_Smashing_by_Shub-Nigurrath_11.rar
02/06/2007  04:52 PM         3,490,693 HASP_SL_A_Deeper_Dig_v10_by_potassium.rar
02/06/2007  06:10 PM           102,984 Hyperscore_v4_with_PcGuard_Tutorial_by_Gabri3l.rar
02/06/2007  06:10 PM            71,004 ICE_License_Overview_Cracking_Tomahawk_Gold_3_0_by_Anorganix.rar
02/06/2007  06:10 PM           622,567 Improving_the_HideDebugger_function_v11_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  06:10 PM           623,141 INLiNE_Patching_Video_Vault_By_MaDMAn_H3rCuL3s.rar
02/06/2007  06:10 PM            91,478 Ionworx_IceLicense_A_Closer_Look_Inside_v20_by_Anorganix.rar
06/20/2005  11:04 PM             5,345 KeyGenning_32bit_Convert_It_vc9.64.01.txt
02/06/2007  06:51 PM             5,223 KeyGenning_32bit_Convert_It_vc9.64.01.txt.txt
02/06/2007  06:12 PM           362,026 Keygenning_CDtoMP3_115.rar
02/06/2007  06:12 PM           100,160 Keygenning_CDtoMP3_KeyGen_VC_NET.rar
06/20/2005  11:04 PM             5,765 Keygenning_CD_Catalog_Expert_v8.00_by_kruger.txt
02/06/2007  06:52 PM             5,620 Keygenning_CD_Catalog_Expert_v8.00_by_kruger.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:04 PM             8,510 Keygenning_Supercleaner.txt
02/06/2007  06:53 PM             8,290 Keygenning_Supercleaner.txt.txt
06/20/2005  11:04 PM             8,545 Keygenning_SuperCleaner_v2.67.txt
02/06/2007  06:54 PM             8,325 Keygenning_SuperCleaner_v2.67.txt.txt
01/30/2010  10:39 PM                 0 list2.txt
02/06/2007  06:13 PM           313,594 Loading_a_DLL_from_memory_Shub-Nigurrath_v12.rar
02/06/2007  06:13 PM           709,535 Manually_Unpacking_HASP_SL_by_potassium_v1_1.rar
02/06/2007  06:13 PM           853,546 MUPing_ACprotector_v141_by_potassium.rar
02/06/2007  06:14 PM         1,247,763 NewbieReversing_Part1_by_Potassium_v10.rar
02/06/2007  06:14 PM           807,797 NewbieReversing_Part2_by_Potassium.rar
02/06/2007  06:15 PM         1,366,833 Oraculum_Tutorial_with_Framework_src_V12_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  06:15 PM           644,260 Patching_VB_Applications_Using_Olly_by_Shub-Nigurrath_v10.rar
02/06/2007  06:15 PM           329,378 Patching_without_changing_bytes_MP3Producer_2.4_by_ThunderPwr.rar
02/06/2007  06:16 PM           301,469 PerfectKeylogger_fishing_and_Oraculum_by_Shub-Nigurrath.rar
02/06/2007  06:18 PM         7,393,236 Portable_Executable_File_Format_Compendium_v11_by_Goppit.rar
02/06/2007  04:41 PM         2,114,236 Primer_on_Reversing_NET_Applications_v12_by_Shub-Nigurrath_etal.rar
02/06/2007  06:19 PM         1,951,291 RCE_EOBSP_book_by_tHE_mUTABLE_v1.0.rar
02/06/2007  06:19 PM           977,823 Registry_Mechanic_v51_by_CondZero.rar
7,096,011 Removing_Sentinel_SuperPro_by_Shub-Nigurrath_v10.rar

Download links:

What are Keyloggers Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 01.57

Filename What are Keyloggers
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 01.57
Keystroke loggers are stealth software that sits between keyboard hardware and the operating system, so that they can record every key stroke.
There are two types of keystroke loggers:
1. Software based and
2. Hardware based.
Spy ware: Spector (
  • Spector is a spy ware and it will record everything anyone does on the internet.
  • Spector automatically takes hundreds of snapshots every hour, very much like a surveillance camera. With spector, you will be able to see exactly what your surveillance targets have been doing online and offline.
  • Spector works by taking a snapshot of whatever is on your computer screen and saves it away in a hidden location on your computer’s hard drive.
Hacking Tool: eBlaster (
  • eBlaster lets you know EXACTLY what your surveillance targets are doing on the internet even if you are thousands of miles away.
  • eBlaster records their emails, chats, instant messages, websites visited and keystrokes typed and then automatically sends this recorded information to your own email address.
  • Within seconds of them sending or receiving an email, you will receive your own copy of that email.
Hacking Tool: (Hardware Keylogger) (

  • eBlaster lets you know EXACTLY what your surveillance targets are doing on the internet even if you are thousands of miles away.
  • eBlaster records their emails, chats, instant messages, websites visited and keystrokes typed and then automatically sends this recorded information to your own email address.
  • Within seconds of them sending or receiving an email, you will receive your own copy of that email.
Hacking Tool: (Hardware Keylogger)
  • The Hardware Key Logger is a tiny hardware device that can be attached in between a keyboard and a computer.
  • It keeps a record of all key strokes typed on the keyboard. The recording process is totally transparent to the end user.

Proxy Servers and Anonymizers Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 01.55

Filename Proxy Servers and Anonymizers
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 01.55
Proxy is a network computer that can serve as an intermediate for connection with other computers. They are usually used for the following purposes:

  • As firewall, a proxy protects the local network from outside access.
  • As IP-addresses multiplexer, a proxy allows to connect a number of computers to Internet when having only one IP-address.
  • Proxy servers can be used (to some extent) to anonymize web surfing.
  • Specialized proxy servers can filter out unwanted content, such as ads or ‘unsuitable’ material.
  • Proxy servers can afford some protection against hacking attacks.
  • Anonymizers are services that help make your own web surfing anonymous.
  • The first anonymizer developed was, created in 1997 by Lance Cottrell.
  • An anonymizer removes all the identifying information from a user’s computers while the user surfs the Internet, thereby ensuring the privacy of the user.

How to hack website using sql injection Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 01.33

Filename How to hack website using sql injection
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 01.33
what is sql injection?

SQL Injections or simply called Structured Query Language Injection is a technique that exploits the loop hole in the database layer of the application. This happens when user mistakenly or purposely(hackers) enters the special escape characters into the username password authentication form or in URL of the website. Its called the coding standard loop hole. some website owners doesn't have proper knowledge of secure coding standards and that results into the vulnerable websites. Now assume , you opened a website and went to his Sign in or log in page. Now in username field you have entered something say yogesh and in the password box you pass some escape characters like ',",1=1, etc... Now if the website owner hasn't handled null character strings or escape characters then user will surely get something else that owner never want their users to view.. This is basically called Blind SQL. 

Some basic requirements for sql injection:
1) you need a web browser to open URL and to view source codes.
2) you need notepad++.
3) and very basic  queries of sql like insert , select , update , delete etc.

First of all you can hack those website using SQL injection hacks that allows some input fields from the visitor which can provide input to website like log in page , search page, feedback page etc.
Now a days , HTML pages use POST command to send parameter to another ASP/ASPX page.
Therefore, you may not see the parameter in the URL. You can check the source code of the HTML, and look for "FROM" tag in the HTML code. You may find something like this in some HTML codes:

<F O R M action=login.aspx method=post>
<I N P UT type=hidden name=user v a l u e=xyz>
< / F O R M>

Everything between the < F O R M > and < / F O R M > parameters(remove space in words) contains the crucial information and can help us to determine things in more detailed way.

There is alternate method for finding vulnerable website, the websites which have extension ASP, ASPX, JSP, CGI or PHP try to look for the URL's in which parameters are passed. Example is shown below:

Now how to detect that this URL is vulnerable or not:
Start with single quote trick, take sample parameter as hi'or1=1--. Now in the above URL id is the parameter and 10 is its value. So when we pass hi'or1=1-- as parameter the URL will look like this:' or 1=1--

You can also do this with hidden field, for that you need to save the webpage and had to made changes to URL and parameters field and modify it accordingly. For example:
< F O R M action= asp method=p o s t >
< i n p u t  type=hidden name=abc value="hi' or 1=1--">
< / F O R M >

 If your luck is favoring you, you will get the login into the website without any username or password.

But why ' or 1=1-- ?
Take an asp page that will link you to another page with the following URL:
In this URL 'category' is the variable name and 'sports' is it's value.

Here this request fires following query on the database in background.
SELECT * FROM TABLE-NAME WHERE category='sports'
Where 'TABLE-NAME' is the name of table which is already present in some database.
So, this query returns all the possible entries from table 'search' which comes under the category 'sports'.

Now, assume that we change the URL into something like this:' or 1=1--

Now, our variable 'category' equals to "sports' or 1=1-- ", which fires SQL query on database something like: SELECT * FROM search WHERE category='sports' or 1=1--'
The query should now select everything from the 'search' table regardless if category is equal to 'sports' or not.
A double dash "--" tell MS SQL server to ignore the rest of the query, which will get rid of the last hanging single quote (').
Sometimes, it may be possible to replace double dash with single hash "#".

However, if it is not an SQL server, or you simply cannot ignore the rest of the query, you also may try

' or 'a'='a
It should return the same result.
Depending on the actual SQL query, you may have to try some of these possibilities:

' or 1=1--
" or 1=1--
or 1=1--
' or 'a'='a
" or "a"="a
') or ('a'='a

Beware of Common Internet Scams and Frauds Aditya Illusion rwxr-xr-x 0 01.25

Filename Beware of Common Internet Scams and Frauds
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Aditya Illusion
Date and Time 01.25
Internet ScamsThe term Internet Scam or Internet Fraud refers to any type of fraud scheme that uses one or more online services to conduct fraudulent activities. Internet fraud can take place on computer programs such as chat rooms, e-mail, message boards, or Web sites. In this post I will discuss about some of the commonly conducted scams and frauds across the Internet.

1. Phishing Scam

This is one of the most commonly used scam to steal bank logins and other types of passwords on the Internet. Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail or instant messaging.
Example:You may receive an email which claims to have come from your bank/financial institution/online service provider that asks you to click a link and update your account information. When you click such a link it will take you to a fake page which exactly resembles the original ones. Here you’ll be asked to enter your personal details such as username and password. Once you enter your personal details they will be stolen away. Such an email is more than likely the type of Internet scam known as “phishing”. Phishing is said to be highly effective and has proved to have more success rate since most of the common people fail to identify the scam.
Most legitimate companies never request any kind of personal/sensitive information via email. So it is highly recommended that you DO NOT respond to such fraudulent emails. For more information on phishing visit my detailed post What is Phishing?

2. Nigerian Scams

This type of scam involves sending emails (spam) to people in bulk seeking their help to access large amount of money that is held up in a foreign bank account. This email claims that in return for the help you’ll be rewarded a percentage of the fund that involves in the transaction. Never respond to these emails since it’s none other than a scam.
In case if you respond to these emails you will be asked to deposit a small amount of money (say 1-2% of the whole fund) as an insurance or as an advance payment for the initialization of deal. However once you deposit the amount to the scammer’s account you’ll not get any further response from them and you lose your money. In fact “The large amount of money” never exists and the whole story is a trap for innocent people who are likely to become victims. The scammers use a variety of stories to explain why they need your help to access the funds. The following are some of the examples of them.
  • They may claim that political climate or legal issues preclude them from accessing funds in a foreign bank account
  • They may claim that the person is a minor and hence needs your help to access the funds
  • They may claim that your last name is the same as that of the deceased person who owned the account and suggest that you act as the Next of Kin of this person in order to gain access to the funds

3. Lottery Scams

This type of scam is similar to the one discussed above. In this type you may receive an email saying that you have won a large sum of money in online lottery scheme (ex. UK Lottery) even though you have not participated in any such schemes. The message claims that your email ID was selected randomly from a lagre pool of IDs. When you respond to such emails they initially ask for your complete name and address so that they can mail the cheque accross to you. After getting those details they may also send you an image of the cheque drawn in your name and address so as to confirm the deal. But in order to mail this cheque they demand a small amount of money as insurance/shipping charge/tax in return. However if you send the amount in hope to receive the cheque all you get is nothing. You’re just trapped in a wonderful scam scheme. Thats it.

4. Other General Scams and Frauds

The following are some of the other types of scams that you should be aware of.
In general, be aware of unsolicited emails that:
  1. Promise you money, jobs or prizes
  2. Ask you to provide sensitive personal information
  3. Ask you to follow a link to a website and log on to an account.
  4. Propose lucrative business deals
However it may seem to be a difficult task for novice Internet users to identify such online scams. Here are some of the common signs of such scam emails. By knowing them it may help you to stay away.
  • All these scam emails never address you by your name. In turn they commonly address you something like “Dear User” or “Dear Customer” etc. This is a clear indication that the email is a fraudulent one
  • When you observe the email header you may notice in the “TO:” Field that, the same email is forwarded to a large group of people or the “TO:” field appears blank. So this confirms that the email was not intended particularly for you. It was forwarded for a large group of people and you are one among them

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